Customizing our products takes just a few clicks of the mouse but if you are having trouble, contact and it will be customized for you at no extra charge.
Changing Name
Enter desired name under the "Personalize It" tab and then click outside the text box to see the name changed on the mug. If the name is on both sides of the design, please be sure the name on opposite sides has changed also before you go through with order:
Changing Background Color (some designs only)
Click the "Customize It" button under the product to reveal more customizing options. Click "Edit">>"Background" and select a background color:
Choosing Style Or Size (some products only)
Different style and size can be selected from under the "Choose your style, color and size" tab:
Advanced Customization
Click the orange "Customize it" button below product for advanced customization such as changing text size, color and style, as well as repositioning text within the design: